Sunday 29 September 2013

Little Frat House on the Prairie

Last night I went to my first ever frat party, at a fraternity called Delta Upsilon. It was like every other American party I've been to only slightly worse, because it was a lot more like a club night in the UK. It was sweaty and crowded. There was nothing that distinguished it as a frat party, other than the giant Greek letters outside the building and a school photo-style framed picture of all the members. At one point a lot of people were dancing on a fairly narrow raised platform, and I got pulled up onto the platform only to realise that I would inevitably fall off and hurt myself, so sat down on it for ages instead looking foolish. This is what the frat house looked like:

To continue the general American-ness of my weekend, I went to Starbucks today to read Little House on the Prairie, which I have to read for my course. Normally I'm not the biggest fan of Starbucks but there's no Costa here so I'm making do with what's available. I don't like how they write my name on the cups (it was mistakenly written as 'Ana' the other day, but today I was served by someone whose name was actually Anne, so obviously she got it right.) As for Little House on the Prairie, it makes me want to go the prairie and build a little house there with three young daughters, so obviously it's doing it's job. The workload here is immense in comparison to the UK, but it's just about manageable. For one of my papers I can illustrate a children's book, which is awesome.

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