Friday 30 August 2013

Classes and Football Games

So I've now had my first full week of classes. It's weird that everyone uses school vocabulary here, rather than saying 'lectures' and 'seminars'. I picked good courses, all the professors are nice, and I managed to find everything without being late or getting too lost.

An interesting fact that I learned this week is that if you call the local pizza place and order a pizza 'with sprinkles' you get a free condom with your order, so that's nice. I also learnt that Bloomington is overpopulated with deer so it's legal to shoot them for food as long as you use a bow and arrow and not a gun. Good thing I packed my bow and arrow then*.

In the bookstore (I say bookstore because it's called 'The IU Bookstore', not because I'm already American) I was served twice by a guy literally named Chandler. This was my reaction:

Last night I also met a guy called Wilson the band that sing at the end of Bridesmaids. Weird.

The other night I got drunk and agreed to join the Frisbee team, after making them promise that I don't need to have any strength, speed or co-ordination. I am beginning to have second thoughts,  and I don't own the necessary sport shorts.

I also went to (half) a football game. The actual match itself I only kept track of by looking at the score. I have no idea how the game works. The stadium however, was amazing. The marching band was amazing, the guys dressed as Elvis who parachuted in at half time were amazing. It was definitely worthwhile.

In other news, it is 36 degrees (centigrade, obviously) and I need winter.

Funny Questions I Have Been Asked This Week:

Me: My name's Anne
Person: Adam?

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